Micro API

Micro API is all about REST API micro-services architecture.

It comprises a Spring Boot REST API built with Gradle and a PostgreSQL database. Both are ran inside of Docker containers in a Docker stack.

Eventually this will have other components such as UI, Gateway, 2nd REST API, Auth, and Cache added to it.


Install Docker.

Enable Docker experimental features (swarm).

docker swarm init
docker network create --scope=swarm --driver overlay micro-network

This initializes swarm and creates a network that can span multiple hosts.


Docker Stack running REST API and Postgres

# Produce local jar of Spring Boot application.
./gradlew build

# Create the Docker image for our REST API.
docker build -t bbs/rest_api .

# Create the Docker image for our PostgreSQL.
docker build -t bbs/db postgres/.

# Start up the stack which starts both the containers.
docker stack deploy -c micro-services-stack.yml micro-stack

# Tear down the stack.
docker stack rm micro-stack

Other Useful Information

./gradlew bootRun - Use the Gradle Wrapper to build and run the Spring Boot application locally.

Docker stack commands.

Gradle commands.

Other Tools

Postman - REST API GUI tool for development. “A powerful GUI platform to make your API development faster & easier, from building API requests through testing, documentation and sharing.”

pgAdmin - PostgreSQL UI tool that you can connect to the PostgreSQL Docker container while it’s running in the stack. This makes admin and development easier than connecting to the Docker container on the command line.

Kitematic - Docker UI tool that helps seeing what containers are running, easily accessing the logs, and other useful things. This should automatically detect any running Docker containers and allow you to easily access them.

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